
  1. 不断超越,追求完美。

  1. Constantly surpass and pursue perfection.

  2. 诚信为本,创新为魂。

  2. Honesty is the foundation and innovation is the soul.

  3. 居安思危,自强不息。

  3. Think of danger in safety and keep improving.

  4. 关爱生命,保护环境,预防为主,持续改进。

  4. Care for life, protect the environment, focus on prevention and make continuous improvement.

  5. 严守标准,履行合同,工程优质,信誉至上。

  5. Strictly abide by the standards, perform the contract, ensure the high quality of the project, and put the reputation first.

  6. 对工程负责,让用户满意!

  6. Be responsible for the project and make users satisfied!

  7. 公司是我家,发展靠大家。

  7. The company is my family, and its development depends on everyone.

  8. 奋发努力,扎实工作,创精品工程,建一流电厂!

  8. Work hard, work hard, create excellent projects and build first-class power plants!

  9. 创建精品工程,加速与国际接轨!

  9. Create excellent projects and speed up the integration with the world!

  10. 创建精品工程,回报xx人民!

  10. Create excellent projects and repay XX people!

  11. 干甲中华工程,创新世纪名牌!

  11. Ganjia China project, innovation century famous brand!

  (外高桥工程) 12. 建中国最好电厂,创世界一流品牌!

  (Waigaoqiao project) 12. Build the best power plant in China and create a world-class brand!

  (阜阳工程) 13. 重回旧战场,再度创辉煌!

  (Fuyang project) 13. Go back to the old battlefield and create brilliance again!

  (平圩工程) 14. 全力干好电厂工程,努力振兴安徽经济!

  (Pingwei project) 14. Do a good job in the power plant project and strive to revitalize Anhui economy!

  (省内其他工程) 15. 带出一流的队伍,创出一流的业绩,展现一流的风貌!

  (other projects in the province) 15. Bring out the first-class team, create the first-class performance, show the first-class style!

  16. 向质量要市场,向管理要效益。

  16. Market for quality and benefit for management.

  17. 人人爱岗敬业,公司兴旺发达。

  17. Everyone loves his job and the company is prosperous.

  18. 认真学习“xxxx”,身体力行“xxxx”。

  18. Study "XXXX" carefully and practice "XXXX".

  19. 以“xxxx”为指针,努力培养“四有”职工队伍。

  19. With "XXXX" as the guide, strive to cultivate the "Four Haves" staff team.

  20. 求生存,敬业爱岗与公司共命运;谋发展,开拓进取创企业新局面!

  20. Strive for survival, respect and love the post and share the same fate with the company; seek development, forge ahead and create a new situation for the enterprise!

  21. 树企业形象,创优质工程!

  21. Build enterprise image and create high quality project!

  22. 热烈欢迎各级领导莅临我公司检查指导工作!

  22. Warmly welcome leaders at all levels to our company for inspection and guidance!

  23. 衷心感谢社会各界对电建事业的理解、关心和支持!

  23. Sincerely thank all sectors of the society for their understanding, concern and support for the cause of power construction!

  24. 创建精品工程,再展铁军雄风!

  24. Create a high-quality project, and then show the Iron Army!

  25. 高起点、严要求、抓质量、保安全、促进度、争一流!

  25. High starting point, strict requirements, quality assurance, safety assurance, promotion and first-class competition!